

October 18, 2000
CONTACT: press@mikebrownsucks.com
Enough is enough. The people of Cincinnati deserve
better. $500 million taxpayer dollars for a brand-new
stadium, 10 years since their last appearance in an AFC
Championship Game, Running-Back Corey Dillon slamming
helmets on the turf, Head-Coach Bruce Coslet resigning
in disgust after three games, held under 20 points and
0-6 on the year, –- when the tiger loses his stripes,
what’s an Enraged Bengal Fan to do?
Create an online community for depressed, disappointed
and disgusted fans, of course. After all, misery loves
company. Join hundreds of others who have already signed
the petition to remove Mike Brown from day-to-day
Features of the newly launched site include NFL Bengal
Updates (They Lose Again), Local Guest Columnists (We Live
Here), Player News (Warrick Steals Pants), Fantasy
Football Rotisserie (Drop All Of Them), Message
Boards (Please Hold Me), Team Schedule (Who Will Kick
Our Ass This Week) and the one-and-only licensed place
to order "Mike Brown Sucks" T-Shirts and
Bumper Stickers. All this hosted by the tearful mascot
Fraidy Cat, who will lead local citizens in a boycott of
the December 3rd Arizona home-game A.K.A. The
Mike Brown Sucks Dot-Com Bowl.
Launched September 24th after the final straw loss to
Baltimore (37-0), www.mikebrownsucks.com
is the brainchild of life-long Bengal fan and e-commerce
consultant Dave Young and internet creative director B.
Chase Peel. Said Young, "No one wants to blame the
players or the fans. I’m just giving people the small
comfort of the truth: we look it straight in the eye and
together we say – Hey, Mike Brown sucks,
Purely driven by passionate fans, Young has already been
overwhelmed with volunteer locals to write columns and
features from the heartland of Bengal Blues. Now, for
the first time, displaced Cincinnati anger has a
home-cooked place to unload using the power of the Web.
Anyone can now deliver play ideas and suggestions directly
to the management on fine-tuning and improving the
No-Score Offense.
Asked about future plans for the venture, crusader Young
said, "We will keep calling out owner Mike Brown
until he steps up and accounts for his actions. This man
must be held responsible for what he’s done.
It’s just the right thing to do."